TJTESOL has published special issues on Corpus and Technology in English Language Studies(Vol. 11, No. 1), Constructing Identity in Language Education in Taiwan (Vol. 14, No. 2) and English(es) as (a) Semiotic Resource(s)/Repertoire(s): (Imagine) A Multilingual/Multimodal TESOL(Vol. 19, No. 1).


Yu-fan Lin

Taipei Municipal Zhong Zheng Senior High School, Taiwan



Research in the area of dialogue journals has shown that keeping oral or written journals can improve students’ speaking performance. However, nearly no research has been done on the effects of doing oral-written dialogue journals in enhancing speaking English. This study quantitatively and qualitatively explored the impacts of the oral-written dialogue journals on the speaking performance of EFL university-level students. Specific research focuses were the influence of keeping oral-written dialogue journals on overall speaking proficiency and the effect on speaking fluency, grammatical accuracy, and vocabulary richness as well as the participants’ perceptions of this activity.
The oral-written dialogue journal activity was implemented for three months. The participants were eleven university students who were invited to join this activity. Findings composed of objective measurements and qualitative inquiry revealed that participants’ overall speaking proficiency was enhanced through this activity. Their fluency, grammatical accuracy and vocabulary richness were also improved to some extent, particularly fluency and verb tense accuracy. The participants’ perceptions of this activity were also positive. They not only became more confident in speaking English and more motivated to speak or learn English but also liked this activity.
This study enabled us to understand in what aspects of speaking EFL learners had made progress as well as why they had improved their speaking performance. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications and suggestions for further research were made.




Yu-fan Lin




有關於對話式日記的相關研究已經指出,持續以口語或是寫作方式進行日記,對於學生的口說表現有所助益。然而,截至目前為止,尚無研究探索口說和寫作式對話日記兩者雙管齊下,對於學生口語表現是否有加強的作用。本研究以質性與量化的方式,探討此兩種形式的日記對EFL 環境下大學生口說表現的影響。確切的研究重點則是關注在持續此兩種形式的日記對於受試者整體口語能力、流暢性、文法正確性、單字豐富度和對於此活動的態度。口說和寫作式對話日記總共施行3個月,而參與者為11位受邀測試的大學學生。從具體施測工具與質性調查中發現,整體口語能力已經藉由此活動提升。學生口語的流暢度、文法正確性和單字豐富度也都在某種程度上進步了,特別是在流暢度與動詞時態的正確性方面。學生對於此活動的態度也趨於正向,他/她們不僅對於口說英語感到更有自信,且對說、學習英文有了更多興趣。本研究使我們了解到EFL學生在哪些口說方面有了進步,也告訴我們為什麼有所改善。根據此研究結果,教學上之貢獻與未來研究建議也一併提出。