TJTESOL has published special issues on Corpus and Technology in English Language Studies(Vol. 11, No. 1), Constructing Identity in Language Education in Taiwan (Vol. 14, No. 2) and English(es) as (a) Semiotic Resource(s)/Repertoire(s): (Imagine) A Multilingual/Multimodal TESOL(Vol. 19, No. 1).


Paul Cameron

National Chengchi University, Taiwan



Effectively integrating the Internet into a traditional classroom that does not have individual access to a computer is a challenge to many teachers. However, according to a recent Nielsen Company report (2007), teenagers and people in their twenties in Taiwan, only lag behind South Korea in a global survey of the frequency of internet usage. Obviously, young people love using the Internet, but how can this resource be effectively used in a primarily face-to-face English language learning environment. This study focused on the use of the Internet and in particular the website, Youtube, in an EFL classroom taking a constructivist approach to language learning. The students in this research were learning English through the study of rock and roll music. The study investigated whether the students in such a course valued the use of the Internet and small group collaborative discussion in a blended learning, constructivist setting in the classroom. The study further investigated what the students perceived as the best way to organize and integrate internet search activities and group discussion in the classroom. Most of the students reported that they liked using the Internet in the classroom, and that interacting with a website such asYoutube and with their classmates was very useful in helping them develop their English language ability, and in gaining general music knowledge. A majority of the students preferred to search on the Internet first and then discuss ideas afterwards for a group project culminating in a multimedia presentation of a particular feature in rock music. Combining internet searches on Youtube and other related websites with group collaboration was considered a good use of class time that significantly helped the students organize their multimedia presentations in English.


Key Words: blended learning, collaboration, constructivism, Internet, rock and roll music, Youtube, web-enhanced learning








對許多老師而言,要在一個沒有使用電腦的傳統教室有效地融入網際網路是個挑戰。然而根據2007年的Neilsen Company報告指出,在一份全球性的使用網路頻率的調查中,台灣的年輕人以及20多歲的人在網路使用的狀況,僅次於南韓。明顯地,年輕人喜愛使用網路;但是如何有效地使用此資源於面對面英語學習環境中呢?此研究強調網路的使用,尤其是運用Youtube網站在以建構式的語言學習方式為基準的EFL課室中。參加此研究的學生,是透過學習搖滾音樂來學習英文。此研究在探討,在這類課程中的學生是否能重視混成學習中的網路使用以及小組合作討論。此外,此研究更深究哪些是學生們所認為在教室裡融合網路搜尋活動及組別討論的最佳方式。大部分的學生表示他們喜歡在教室內使用網路,透過網站(譬如Youtube)搜尋資料和與其他同學在課堂中互動對增進語言能力非常有幫助,而且也能獲得音樂知識。為完成組別報告,大部分的學生趨向先搜尋網站上的資訊,然後再討論相關議題,最後再以多媒體發表的方式,呈現搖滾音樂的一個特色。此研究顯示融合Youtube網站其它相關的網站的搜尋以及組別合作是一個善用課堂時間的活動;而且結果也顯示該活動顯著地協助學生們組織多媒體的英文報告。


關鍵字: 混成學習、協同運作、建構主義、網際網路、搖滾樂、Youtube、網路學習


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