TJTESOL has published special issues on Corpus and Technology in English Language Studies(Vol. 11, No. 1), Constructing Identity in Language Education in Taiwan (Vol. 14, No. 2) and English(es) as (a) Semiotic Resource(s)/Repertoire(s): (Imagine) A Multilingual/Multimodal TESOL(Vol. 19, No. 1).

Leo van Lier

Monterey Institute of International Studies, U.S.



In this paper I advocate for a new way of teaching and learning grammar. I do this because I feel the old ways have not worked terribly well. As a graduate student from China recently told me, when describing her traditional language learning experiences: “My experience of learning a foreign language is awful and unsuccessful.” She elaborated: “My first 10 years of English learning history was a nightmare.”


Key Words: language, languaging, translanguaging, grammar, pedagogical grammar, abduction, induction, deduction, classroom teaching



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